Submit your Symphony for the Community Section

Want to have your symphony featured in the Community Section?

Send us an email to with a link to your public symphony.

There's no strict criteria for a symphony to be published, but there's a few things we're looking for:

  1. Your symphony should have a name and description that accurately describes what it's trying to accomplish.
  2. Your symphony should contain tags that are relevant to the assets held and the goal of the symphony.
  3. Your symphony should have a track record of "out of sample" data — this means a symphony you just made today likely won't get published in the Community section. Backtests are set to run from the last edited date of the symphony to today, which means that if it was edited very recently, it won't have much data to show.

With your symphony published in the Community section, we also integrate your referral code into the symphony link. This means if your symphony gets shared, you're eligible for $50 for every user who joins Composer via the link and live trades for 14 days through our Referral Program!

Symphonies published in the Community section aren't considered a recommendation by Composer—rather, they should be viewed as inspiration for building your own, or if you'd like to invest directly, conduct your own due diligence prior to making that decision.

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