iOS Public Beta Information

DISCLAIMER: Composer’s iOS Companion app is in beta and may not work as intended. Please contact our team at with any questions.

Thank you for your interest in Composer’s iOS companion app! To download the app, follow the steps here: ​​

Before you get started, it’s important to understand the limitations of the app currently. 

  1. To get the most out of the app, you should be actively invested in a symphony. Currently, the app is limited to showing the Portfolio view and Discover.
  2. Watchlist is not available. You’re able to track live performance, but not simulated.
  3. Depositing/withdrawing is not available. 
  4. Managing your Trading Pass is not available.
  5. Opening new accounts is not available.

You can think of the app as “read-only” – a tool to monitor your portfolio, not manage it. We will add the above features over time, but the best place to manage these aspects of your account is still through the desktop app, not mobile.

If you have any feedback, please send it to!

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