What is a Trusted Contact?

A Trusted Contact is a person you give us consent to contact regarding your account in specific situations.

Who can be my Trusted Contact?

Your Trusted Contact may be any person, age 18 or older, who you trust us to contact regarding your account.

How do I edit my Trusted Contact?

You can edit your Trusted Contact on the web by:

  1. Login to your Composer account
  2. Select your profile in the top right corner
  3. Select Accounts & Funding
  4. Under Your accounts, locate the account you wish to edit and select the drop down arrow
  5. Select View & Edit Trusted Contact

Do I need to have a Trusted Contact?

No, it’s up to you to have a Trusted Contact; however, we encourage you to add a Trusted Contact.

When will you contact my Trusted Contact?

In situations where, if we are unable to get in contact with you, we may reach out to your Trusted Contact and disclose information about your account to address possible financial exploitation, to confirm the specifics of your current contact information, health status, or the identity of your executor, trustee or holder of a power of attorney, or as otherwise permitted by FINRA rules.

Does my Trusted Contact have authority over my account?

No, your Trusted Contact does not have authority to act on your behalf. Meaning, your Trust Contact cannot engage in activity in your account.

If you have any questions, please contact us at help@composer.trade.

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