How do I cancel my Trading Pass?
You can cancel your Trading Pass at any time by:
- Select your profile picture in the top right corner
- Select Accounts & Funding
- Select Manage Accounts
- Under Your Trading Pass, select Cancel Trading Pass
What happens after you cancel your Trading Pass?
You will continue to have full access to trading until your next invoice date. After that date, your Trading Pass will be deactivated. At that point: new trades in your symphonies will not execute and your symphonies will maintain their positions from the last trading day. You will be able to sell your symphonies and withdraw your funds.
For example, If you have a monthly Trading Pass, and you cancel on July 15th and your next invoice date is July 24th, you will continue to have access until July 24th. After July 24th, trades in your symphonies will no longer execute and your symphonies will maintain their positions from the last trading day. Meaning, if you have a symphony whose positions include 10 shares of SPY, trades will no longer execute and you’ll maintain the 10 shares of SPY, until you choose to sell your symphony.
Will I get a refund if I cancel my Trading Pass early?
No, you will not receive any prorated refund for canceling your Trading Pass before the next invoice date.