Trading Pass - Pricing & Billing


We have two pricing structures you can choose from:

  • Monthly: $ 30 / month billed monthly
  • Yearly: $288 / year ($24 / month) billed yearly


You will pay for your Trading Pass using the bank account linked to your Composer account.

You’ll receive a payment confirmation email once we’ve processed your payment – if we’re unable to process your payment, you’ll receive an email letting you know that the payment didn’t work. If this happens, we ask that you either add a new payment method or reach out to us if you believe the payment was rejected in error.

If we don’t receive a new payment method within 7 days from the failed payment date - your Trading Pass will be deactivated. This means you will be able to liquidate your positions and withdraw your funds, but automatic trades will not execute. You’ll maintain your positions from the last trading day.

Can I pay for my Trading Pass with a credit card?

Unfortunately, at this time, you cannot pay for your Trading Pass with a credit card. You will pay for your Trading Pass using the bank account linked to your Composer account.

How do I pay for my Trading Pass at my next invoice date?

On your next invoice date, your Trading Pass will automatically be billed to the bank account linked to your Composer account.

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