Stocks Trading Period
Investing in a Symphony
When you invest in a symphony, Composer automatically executes trades on your behalf according to the symphony's logic during the trading period.
Trading Period Details
Composer’s trading period takes place from 3:45 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern Time on normal market days. On days when the market closes early, the trading period takes place from 12:45 PM to 1:00 PM Eastern Time.
What Happens During the Trading Period?
During the trading period, Composer aggregates and executes trades for all your symphonies. Updates to your portfolio will reflect after these orders are executed. For example, if your symphony is set to trade daily, trades will automatically occur every market day during the trading period.
Placing Orders
You can place new orders to invest in, sell, or liquidate a symphony outside the trading period only. No new orders can be placed during the trading period itself.
- Investing/Selling: Any orders placed to invest in or sell parts of a symphony will be executed during the next trading period.
- Liquidation: Orders to liquidate a symphony are executed immediately if placed while the market is open and before the trading period (i.e., before 3:45 PM Eastern Time on market days). Liquidation orders placed after market hours will be executed 15 minutes after the market next opens. Liquidation orders placed right at market open may be executed with a slight delay to mitigate volatility and secure a stable price.